Our Baby Stories

We all have a story, an experience. Similarities may exist from one story to the next, but every one is unique, because every child that we have lost is unique.

Writing can be a way to bond, a way to move forward, maybe even heal to an extent. Knowing that others have been in the place you are now, being able to relate, can bring a measure of comfort. If you are in a place where you would like to share, read the submission rules and Share Your Story here. We welcome stories from all family members...moms, dads, siblings, extended family, friends...

"Almost everyone who has incompetent cervix loses their first baby.." This was my first memory of when I found out my son would pass...

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Vincent's Story

I was sitting in front of my doctor with my dead baby inside me and in shock, but they felt it was fine to make me wait another week with my dead child inside of me.That night I dreamt that I was holding a baby in a blue blanket and I knew that our first child would have been a boy... 

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Ashley's Story-Baby William

The doctor said, "You are experiencing a stillbirth, you need to go to the hospital now." I was in shock and asked to call my husband.  I told him "Aidan is gone, we need to go to the hospital," but I still had hope they were wrong...

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                      - Tammy

My Angel Baby, Aiden
Tabby and Baby Reagan

Having this happen to us, it had really changed our outlook on life. It made Fraser and I stronger as individuals and as a couple...

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Paula-May and Baby Shawn

I remember he smelled like sunshine and fresh air...

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My Jenna's Story

...his baby sister is a star in the sky, and she will take care of us from heaven.

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Sabrina's Experience

We were "only 9 weeks along"... I am constantly asked, "Is this your first child", I cringe at this question...I struggle and say yes to avoid the further complicated questions...

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.It was me -I chose never to hold her because a lifetime of pain and not knowing her face was easier then a few seconds of having her... 

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Olivia, Terese and Neil

II guess I should have Grace’s, and her twin’s story here, since it’s for them that Gardens of Grace began...as events have played out since she left us, it brings me at least small comfort that her little life will go on to help others.

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An Unexpected Journey-
        Grace, Tamsin and Paula
Our Little Doodle

I didn't realize that I would essentially be going through labor with contractions and my water breaking., I think about who that little baby would have been...

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