Baby Jayce

It was the day after my baby shower. We did an evening celebration so I did some cleaning and had somewhat of a lazy day. It wasn't until that evening I realized I never felt my baby move all day.

I called the nurses line, they told me to have some juice and give him a few minutess to move around from the sugar. I did that and still felt nothing. So I went to the maternity ward to get checked but still in the back of my mind hoped everything was fine and maybe he was just not having an active day.

When I arrived a nurse checked me with a doppler and was having trouble finding his heart beat. She left the room and returned with another nurse and ultrasound tech to do an ultrasound. I knew by their faces something was wrong. The head nurse turned to me with tears in her eyes to confirm the worst news possible. His heart stopped beating. I was going to have to stay and give birth to a stillborn baby at almost 37 weeks pregnant.

Over the next 24 hours I was induced and had family and friends constantly visiting me in the hospital to show me support.

Baby Jayce Mitchell Philippe. He was born on October 5th 2015 at 11:05pm. He was 6lbs 1oz had curly brown hair and the redest lips I have ever seen. He was a perfect angel.

A few days later he was cremated and we had a memorial service for him. Its been 2 and half years since we lost our son. I still have days it feels like yesterday. I was lucky to have an amazing doctor who went out of her way to take pictures for me. So thankful for the memories.

                           -Leanne Raftus